Raubasine Powder, an alkaloid derived from the Rauwolfia plant, has been discovered to have a wide range of applications in circulatory disorder treatment, particularly in the alleviation of restriction of normal cerebral blood flow. It has been used in conjunction with other alkaloids to help decrease high blood pressure in certain people. It is an antihypertensive medication that is used in hypertension treatment. In addition to Card-Lamuran and Circolene, the supplied Raubasine Powder has been sold under various brand names, including Duxil and Duxor. Other brand names include Hydroxysarpon, Iskedyl, Iisosarpan, Lamuran, Isquebral, Saltucin Co, Melanex, Sarpan, and Salvalion. Raubasine has an antagonistic effect on the 1-adrenergic receptor.
IUPAC NAME :- (19)-16,17-didehydro- 19-methyloxayohimban- 16-carboxylic acid methyl ester
CAS NO. :- 483-04-5
SYNONYMS :- Sarpan;Tensyl;Lamuran;Ranitol;Vincain;Vincein;RAUBASIN;Raubasil;Rauvasan;Vinceine
APPLICATION :- Antihypertensive, anti-ischemic (cerebral and peripheral)
DESCRIPTION :- White or light yellow crystalline powder