Tropicamide powder is a chemical compound that belongs to the phenylpropylamines. Thecompound contains phenylpropylamine moiety, that comprises a phenyl group substituted at the third carbon by apropan-1-amine.
IUPAC NAME :- N-ethyl-3-hydroxy-2-phenyl-N- (pyridin-4-ylmethyl) propanamide
CAS NO. :- 1508-75-4
SYNONYMS :- mydrum;mydrin;mydriat;ro1-7683;Mydrapid;Mydriacyl;Epitromin;epitromina;Tropicamid;ropicamide
APPLICATION :- Indicated to induce mydriasis (dilation of the pupil) and cycloplegia (paralysis of the ciliary muscle of the eye) in diagnostic procedures, such as measurement of refractive errors and examination of the fundus of the eye.
DESCRIPTION :- This compound belongs to the phenylpropylamines. These are compounds containing a phenylpropylamine moiety, which consists of a phenyl group substituted at the third carbon by an propan-1-amine.