A synthetic compound called Deltamethrin works by modulating sodium channels in the nerve cell membrane.
Deltamethrin works by modulating sodium channels inside nerve cell membranes. This synthetic compound results in hyperactivity of the nervous system in insects and mammals by keeping the Na+ channels in an open state for a longer period. It is known that deltamethrin may increase the release of neurotransmitter and stimulate protein phosphorylation and intra synaptosomal free Ca2+ levels and protein phosphorylation activities.
IUPAC NAME :- [(S)-Cyano-(3-phenoxyphenyl)-methyl] (1R,3R)-3-(2,2-dibromoethenyl)-2,2-dimethyl-cyclopropane-1-carboxylate
CAS NO. :- 52918-63-5
SYNONYMS :- DEPAR;DECIS;BUTOX;butoss;Cislin;K-Otek;rup987;KORDON;nrdc161;oms1988
APPLICATION :- A Type II pyrethroid insecticide that potently inhibits calcineurin
DESCRIPTION :- Deltamethrin is a synthetic compound that modulates sodium channels in the nerve cell membrane. This compound can keep the Na+ channels in an open state for a long time resulting to hyperactivity of the nervous system in mammals and insects. Deltamethrin can increase neurotransmitter release which is associated with elevated levels of intrasynaptosomal free Ca2+ and protein phosphorylation activities.